jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Directores Legendarios (donde los grandes son recordados por lo grandes que son)

"We make the kind of movies we like to watch. I love to laugh. I love to be amazed by how beautiful it is. But I also love to be moved to tears. There's lots of heart in our films."
- John Lasseter

(Hacemos el tipo de peliculas que nos gusta ver. Amo reir. Amo sorprenderme por lo hermoso que es. Pero tambien amo conmoverme hasta llorar. Hay mucho corazon en nuestros filmes.)

Directores Legendarios (donde los grandes son recordados por lo grandes que son)

"No, really. Just do it. You have some kind of weird reasons that are okay."
- Paul Thomas Anderson

(No, en serio. Solo Hazlo. Tienes extrañas razones que estan bien.)

Grandes Directores

"I think it`s good to have pressure on yourself. The worst crime is to get kind of really complacent. Me and Simon worked really hard on the script and we kind of beat ourselves up and we`re very kind of hypercritical, and so it`s good to have pressure. I mean it was weird in terms of when we made Shaun of the Dead. There wasn`t really that much expectation about us making a film. There was from people who liked our TV show, but you know we could kind of do it under the radar and this time it was a bit different. Even just filming it on location was kind of interesting because you`d have people watching the entire time."
- Edgar Wright

(Demasiado largo para traducir)

Amo de manera heterosexual a Edgar Wright

Directores Legendarios (donde los grandes son recordados por lo grandes que son)

"I don't think Pulp Fiction is hard to watch at all."
Quentin Tarantino

(No creo que Pulp Fiction sea dificil de ver)

Fred Astaire en toda su iconiquez (no se preocupen Gene Kelly vendra despues)